AXR1 碳带如何拯救一家肉类公司?

Meat packaging



这些营养、安全和成分标签在使用竞争厂家的树脂基碳带时容易涂抹。牛肉和家禽标签打印后,它们在从输送带上到达包装区的过程中似乎无一例外地被涂抹得一塌糊涂。在 ARMOR 的经销商意识到这一问题之后,他们确切地知道如何提供帮助。


建议使用 ARMOR AXR 1 平头树脂基碳带。该碳带以每秒 8 英寸的速度提供出色的打印质量和出色的耐性,因为当沿着输送带行进时,精美的字体完全不会被涂抹。

由于该应用领域涉及食品,因此需要考虑食品药品管理局 (FDA) 的法规要求。ARMOR 的 AXR1 树脂基碳带符合欧洲和美国法律对食品接触的要求。

此外,AXR 1 碳带是市场上最具竞争力的碳带之一,最终用户每年可节省 25,000 美元,这是客户通过换用 ARMOR 产品可获得多少价值的另一个例子。

  • Thawing through condensation
  • High pressure shower at a temperature of +70C°
  • Certified non-toxic
  • Abrasion during transportation

During test phases, the manufacturer was able to validate the non-toxicity of the ink followed by real-life test conditions: freezing, thawing, humidification, ageing, and resistance to the adhesive ribbon, all of which were fully satisfactory.

The excellent application properties combined with the flexibility offered by Thermal Transfer technology in terms of the printing of variable data, not to mention the savings to be made by using white labels rather than pre-printed labels, were the factors behind the approval of the solution.

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