Legal notices


This site is published by ARMOR S.A.S,  (hereinafter referred to as “ARMOR”) which is the owner of ARMOR’s trademarks.
ARMOR is a French Société par Actions Simplifiée with capital of €10,299,450.
It is registered at the Nantes Trade and Companies Register under the number 857 800 692.
Registered office: 20, rue Chevreul, 44100 Nantes, France.
Email : – Tel: +33 (0)2 40 38 40 00
Intracommunity VAT number FR 42 857 800 692


The publication director is Mr Hubert de Boisredon.


All persons who access the ARMOR website (the “Website”) undertake to comply with the following terms of use.
The Website can be accessed free of charge by all users who are equipped with an internet connection. ARMOR undertakes to use all resources at its disposal in order to provide access to and ensure the correct functioning of the Website. However ARMOR, declines all liability in the event of an availability or network functioning problem, interruption of work or loss of data in connection with the use of said Website. Solely users are responsible for the correct functioning of their equipment and for the use thereof. ARMOR moreover reserves the right to suspend access to the Website at any time, with no prior warning, in order to carry out maintenance operations or for any other reason.
The contents of this Website are designed and updated with the greatest care. Nevertheless, ARMOR cannot guarantee that the information published on the Website is exhaustive and reliable, and declines all liability in the event of inaccuracies and/or missing contents. As required, users are requested to contact ARMOR in order to make timely corrections. The photos are non-contractual.
All persons who consult the Website are liable for the data they disseminate, use and/or transfer and in this regard undertake to comply with the French regulations in force, in particular those concerning clearly illegal content (indecent content, racist content, child pornography, etc.) or the protection of third party rights (such as intellectual property rights…). ARMOR is not liable for the use of data or content that is disseminated by another person and that, in particular, does not comply with the regulations in force.
The Website may contain hypertext links to external websites. ARMOR does not provide users with any warranty concerning the content, the services offered or the technical characteristics of these sites, which are managed by third parties, and declines all liability with regard to the use thereof. ARMOR expressly declares in this respect that it has no right of scrutiny with respect to the information provided by said websites, and the presence of hypertext links on no account constitutes implicit or explicit approval of said entities. Setting up a hypertext link to the Website requires the prior written authorisation of ARMOR, which may on no account be held liable for websites that contain a hypertext link with the Website and declines all responsibility concerning the contents and the use thereof.
The Website is governed by French law; the French courts have exclusive jurisdiction in the event of a dispute.


The Website provides lists of many ARMOR’s products and may contain references or cross references to particular products and/or services that are not (yet) available in some countries. References are provided for information only and do not commit ARMOR to supply such products or services in the countries concerned.


The trademarks mentioned on the Website are the property of their owners and are listed only as references to avoid any risk of misuse by the end-user.
The presentation and the content of the Website together constitute a work that is protected by the laws in force that govern copyright, intellectual and industrial property. The intellectual property rights to the corporate names, designations, logos or domain names used on the Website are reserved. Any designs that appear on the Website, drawings, photographs, images, text, animated sequences with or without sound and other displayed documentation, are protected by copyright, industrial and/or intellectual property rights and are, as applicable, the property of ARMOR and/or the entities of its group or third parties who have authorised ARMOR and/or the entities of its group to use, publish and reproduce them.
No commercial utilisation, reproduction, public display, use, adaptation, modification, incorporation, translation, in whole or in part of these items (including those that can be downloaded or copied) is permitted without the prior written consent of ARMOR and/or the entities of its group, with the exception of private use, without prejudice to the provisions of the French Intellectual Property Code.
In addition to the copyrights, the breach of one of these industrial and/or intellectual property rights is an infringement that is punishable by a 3-years prison sentence and a fine of €300,000.


ARMOR informs you that your personal data are collected on the Website, such as your last name, first name and email address, and are subject to a processing implemented by ARMOR for purposes of marketing analysis or customer-prospect relationship management

They are intended for ARMOR, as the controller of the personal data collected, and/or the concerned entities of its group, and in particular to the persons in charge of the marketing department, the sales department, the customer service department and the business development department, the administrative services, human resources services, logistics and IT services.

ARMOR and/or the concerned entities of its group may transmit the information collected to third parties, including some of its technical service providers so that they can ensure the proper functioning of the Website.
In this context, your data may be transferred outside the European Union. ARMOR undertakes to put in place appropriate safeguards, in accordance with the European General Data Protection Regulation (“GDPR”).

The data collected are kept for the maximum duration required by the regulation in force.

In accordance with the GDPR and the National Data Protection Act, you have the right to access, rectify, oppose, port, erase them or to ask for the restriction of processing to the personal data concerning you by sending a mail to the following address: ARMOR SAS, to the attention of DPO, 20 rue de Chevreul, CS 90508, 44105 NANTES Cedex 4, FRANCE. In default of a satisfying answer from ARMOR, you also have the possibility to lodge a complaint with a supervisory authority.


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The Website is hosted by OVH, 2 rue Kellermann – 59100 Roubaix – France Tél : 09 72 10 10 07 


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5 rue Santeuil – 44000 Nantes
07 64 07 40 89 

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